Career in Tax, Katie Woods

Katie, a TCD student shares her summer tax internship experience

I’m going into fourth year in BESS (Business, Economics and Social Science) in Trinity next year, so I thought that now would be a great time to do an internship to get a bit of experience under my belt before I graduate. People wonder why I chose Tax as I had never had the opportunity to study it in college, but I find it interesting as everyone deals with it in their day-to-day life, and the majority of legal decisions have tax implications which means you deal with a huge variety of clients. Tax is an ever changing puzzle, and it is always a challenge getting the best deal for your clients. My first month in KPMG has been quite busy and it has definitely gone a lot quicker than I expected! I mainly deal with income tax, and I have really enjoyed how everyone works as a team. If you are ever stuck on something, no matter how small, there is always someone around and willing to help you.

You definitely learn far more from actually doing a job, than doing a module on it in college. KPMG offer’s lots of training and support as well as giving you ‘real work’ rather than the typical intern work of photocopying and scanning which is great as it not only gives you real experience, but helps you to see if this is a career path that you want to go down.

The main advantage of doing an internship in Tax is that it gives you a real insight into what you would do as a tax accountant, and if you do choose to pursue it, you end up with an extra qualification in Tax when you qualify!

By Katie Woods, Summer intern, KPMG.
